Enabling non-technical users to gain full advantage of platform features

Redesigned the advanced tagging and data management software platform which enables marketers to set up campaigns for their customers 

Customer journey module screen




May 2017 - Nov 2018


Establish design process, redesign web platform, create design system


Sales team reported that it’s easier to show to a potential client the capabilities of the platform. 

Our sales partners reported that marketers started setting up their campaigns by themselves.

Onboarding of the new employees requires one week instead of 3!

Personal impact - I learned how companies are tracking people behaviour and how they build user profiles. 


Redesign the platform so that non-technical people would understand how to use it.


The redesigned and newly designed modules of the platform allows users to leverage the full advantage of its functionality.


UX Research

I started interviewing clients, support team and account managers in order to understand what are current pains and jobs-to-do.

We set up Hotjar and Google analytics to collect data about users' behaviour on our platform. 

Once the development team started implementing changes we set up an Intercom feedback form and started collecting feedback from our users in parallel to user testing sessions. 

Design workshop with sales team and devs


There were two types of users - marketers without technical background and marketers with technical background (power users who are already using the platform).

Both groups have the same goal - to be able to set up campaigns and target the right people as efficiently as possible. Non-technical people were looking forward to a complete platform redesign and smooth user experience while tech-savvy people didn't want the design to change that much as they are used to the platform as it is, they also wanted to retain the ability to embed their own code. 

Design challenges and solutions that were tested and shipped

The campaign overview screen in the Customer Journey module
Challenge 1

Design an overview that gives instant intel on campaign health

The performance of the campaign can be evaluated by looking at the statistics on the right.  I placed it there as the customer journey ends there and it makes sense for marketers as the journey starts on the left.

A marketer can overview all possible routes that customers can take, what kind of communication they receive (e.g. ad on social media, email) on each step.

The color coded cues and density of moving arrows allow a marketer to identify strong and weak links in a journey, e.g. pink arrows indicate that once users reach that particular touchpoint many of them dropout.

A marketer can compare several analytics graphs at the same time
It is possible to dig deeper into the analysis how the total number is derived and what affects it the most
Challenge 2

Improve statistics and analytics of a single step of a customer journey

Once marketers identify a weak node in a journey, they can click-in the node to get more information about the trends of user behaviour over time.

Marketers can see statistics (total visitors, drop-outs) as well as analytics to understand what is happening with their users by comparing the numbers in the different diagrams.

Based on this a marketer can then decide to change the message or change the touchpoint in the step.

Challenge 3

Improve the set up process of OR, AND rules to select audience

The power of the platform lies in the ability to set very granular rules of what kind of people  to target in a specific step. Now marketers can add new OR AND rules while still being able to overview the ones that are already set.

Color coded icons that signify the type of audience help marketers to briefly skim through and have a good sense of what kind of selection of audiences it is.

User testing confirmed that inverted rules are now impossible to overlook.

Audience selection using AND and OR rules
Marketer chooses AI recommendation depending on the goal that they want to reach
A selection of rules to target audiences is applied 
Challenge 4

Integrate AI into Customer journey module

Instead of building the customer journey manually, marketers can use AI recommendations. These recommendations propose the whole OR/AND rules combination so that the customer journey goal can be achieved.

At first marketers were suspicious of these recommendations as they were not always obvious, therefore I added a prediction accuracy rating in order to increase trust of marketers.

Onboarding to Customer journey module
Challenge 5

Design onboarding for Customer journey module

New users are now guided not only how to create customer journeys, but also how to get the most out of this complex tool.

I believe that we learn the most while doing therefore I designed the onboarding in a way that guides a user what they can do next. The onboarding just shows the first few steps and then a user can improvise themselves. The educational pop-up will show up at later stages.

Feedback from the colleague

"I was impressed by Vaiva’s ability to gather ideas and integrate feedback from various departments, taking into consideration people’s background and difference of opinion. Vaiva is a challenger who loves to be challenged in return. She works (very) fast and has a genuine curiosity for every subject she touches."


Celia Goletto, account executive @Relay42 at the time

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